Your Litigation 101 toolkit

When you are managing a dispute or litigation, a refresher of key litigation concepts and principles can help you start on the front foot and stay ahead of the curve.

Based on topics clients and in-house counsel regularly ask us about, this series is designed to be your practical litigation toolkit – providing short overviews, guides and checklists to assist you and your team with common litigation questions.

Please get in touch if you would like to talk through a specific issue or scenario.


Evidence - using foreign law in Australian litigation

Alternative dispute resolution

Interlocutory injunctions

The difference between deeds and agreements

Document retention for business

Examinations under section 19 of ASIC Act

The implied undertaking and how to manage your obligations

Privacy (transferring personal information internationally)

Discovery – Understanding the process and obligations

You’ve been served with a subpoena, now what?

Legal professional privilege for in-house counsel

Legal professional privilege for business

Provenance of company records: litigation record-keeping reminder